“Position Among the Stars 2011” is a captivating documentary that dives deep into the lives of an Indonesian family from the slums of Jakarta. Directed by Leonard Retel Helmrich, this film offers a unique and intimate glimpse into the complexities of urban life and the universal struggle for survival. With its relaxed and confident storytelling style, it takes viewers on a thought-provoking journey that explores themes of poverty, inequality, and the indomitable spirit of resilience.

What sets “Position Among the Stars 2011” apart is its ability to create a seamless blend between observational and participatory documentary techniques. Helmrich’s camera becomes an invisible witness to the daily challenges faced by the family, capturing their hopes, dreams, and struggles with unwavering honesty. Through his expert cinematography and artful storytelling, he is able to paint a vivid and realistic portrait of life in the slums, evoking empathy and understanding from the audience.

Moreover, “Position Among the Stars 2011” does not shy away from delving into the larger socio-political issues that contribute to the family’s circumstances. From the impact of government policies to the effects of globalization, the documentary provides a layered analysis of the structural inequalities that perpetuate poverty in Jakarta. By addressing these complex issues in a relaxed and confident manner, the film not only educates viewers but also encourages them to think critically about the world in which we live.

Possition Among the Stars 2011: A Compelling Journey into Indonesian Culture

Plot Summary

Position Among the Stars, released in 2011, is a captivating documentary film that delves into the complex dynamics of a family living in Jakarta, Indonesia. The movie follows the life of Rumidjah, an aging matriarch, who faces societal and economic challenges while maintaining her family’s traditions. This thought-provoking film takes viewers on a journey through poverty, religion, and the struggle for a better life.

DVD/Blu-ray Release

Position Among the Stars was released on DVD and Blu-ray in 2012. It offers viewers the opportunity to experience this powerful documentary in the comfort of their own homes, while also providing additional bonus features and behind-the-scenes content.


Position Among the Stars falls under the genre of documentary. However, it is more than just a mere documentation of events. It captures the essence of Indonesian culture, presenting a nuanced exploration of the socio-economic challenges faced by families in Jakarta.

Director’s Reputation

This film was directed by Leonard Retel Helmrich, a critically acclaimed Dutch filmmaker known for his unique filming style. Helmrich’s reputation as a skillful director is well-established, with his previous works earning numerous awards and nominations.


Position Among the Stars does not feature a traditional cast in the same sense as a fictional film. Instead, it showcases real people, namely Rumidjah and her family, allowing viewers to connect with their experiences on a deeper level.

Critical Reception

Position Among the Stars received widespread critical acclaim upon its release. Critics praised its intimate portrayal of Indonesian culture, the strength of its storytelling, and its ability to showcase the universal themes of family, dreams, and societal struggles.

Audience Reception

Position Among the Stars connected with audiences on a profound level. Many viewers appreciated the authenticity of the film and its ability to shed light on the realities faced by families living in Jakarta. The documentary sparked conversations and encouraged empathy and understanding of different cultures.


You can find the official trailer for Position Among the Stars on various online platforms. The trailer offers a glimpse into the emotional depth and captivating cinematography of the film, leaving viewers craving to explore the entire story.


This documentary touches upon various themes, including poverty, religion, family dynamics, and the pursuit of a better life. The film invites viewers to reflect on these themes and contemplate their own perspectives on societal issues.


Position Among the Stars delivers a powerful message about the interconnectedness of family, culture, and societal structures. It highlights the resilience and determination of individuals in the face of adversity, provoking empathy and understanding.


Position Among the Stars stands out for its unique approach to documentary filmmaking. Through his innovative filming style, Helmrich skillfully captures the raw emotions and struggles of the characters, ensuring an original and unforgettable cinematic experience.

Production Values

The production values in Position Among the Stars are exceptional, with meticulous attention to detail in both the filming and editing. The visuals are stunning, capturing the vibrant essence of Jakarta and its contrasting lifestyles.


The pacing of Position Among the Stars is deliberate, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the characters’ lives and fully understand their journeys. The film balances moments of contemplation with moments of emotional intensity, ensuring an engaging and thought-provoking experience.

Character Development

Position Among the Stars expertly portrays the growth and development of its characters. Rumidjah and her family experience personal transformations throughout the film, making their stories all the more relatable and compelling.

Emotional Impact

The emotional impact of Position Among the Stars is profound. The struggles and triumphs of the characters evoke empathy, leaving a lasting impression on viewers. It skillfully captures the complexity of human emotions and the power of resilience.

Narrative Structure

The narrative structure of Position Among the Stars is seamless, allowing the story to unfold naturally. The film beautifully weaves together various storylines, providing a holistic view of the characters’ lives and their place in Indonesian society.

Cultural Context

Position Among the Stars explores Indonesian culture with great depth and authenticity. It offers a glimpse into the traditions, customs, and challenges faced by families in Jakarta, shedding light on the broader cultural context in which the story takes place.


The soundtrack of Position Among the Stars perfectly complements the visuals and enhances the overall viewing experience. It features a mix of traditional Indonesian music and contemporary compositions, immersing viewers further into the cultural ambiance of the film.


The cinematography in Position Among the Stars is breathtaking. The film utilizes innovative techniques, such as long continuous shots and intimate close-ups, to capture the essence of the characters’ lives and their surroundings.


Position Among the Stars does not follow a traditional scripted format, as it is a documentary. However, the conversations and interactions between the characters feel authentic and impactful, contributing to the overall narrative and emotional resonance of the film.

Character Chemistry

The chemistry between the characters in Position Among the Stars is palpable. Rumidjah and her family share intimate moments and conversations that reflect the depth of their relationships and create a strong emotional connection with viewers.


Position Among the Stars immerses viewers in the vibrant world of Jakarta, showcasing its bustling streets, bustling markets, and the stark contrasts between rich and poor neighborhoods. This worldbuilding adds depth to the film, giving viewers a comprehensive understanding of the characters’ lives.

Social Commentary

Position Among the Stars serves as a powerful social commentary on the realities faced by families living in Jakarta. It highlights issues of poverty, religion, and social inequality, encouraging viewers to reflect on the broader social issues at play.


Throughout Position Among the Stars, there is a subtle subtext that explores the intersection of tradition and modernity. It raises questions about the impact of societal changes on individuals and families, further enriching the film’s narrative.

Casting Choices

Position Among the Stars does not involve traditional casting, as it features real people and their stories. However, the selection of Rumidjah and her family as the central focus of the documentary proves to be a wise choice, as their experiences resonate deeply with viewers.


The tone of Position Among the Stars is authentic and compassionate. It manages to strike a delicate balance between portraying the harsh realities faced by the characters while maintaining a sense of hope and resilience.


Position Among the Stars is not a suspenseful film in the traditional sense. Rather, it keeps viewers engaged through its emotional intensity and the anticipation of what challenges and triumphs the characters will face next.


Position Among the Stars remains relevant today, offering insights into the challenges faced by families living in poverty worldwide. It raises important social and cultural issues that continue to be relevant for audiences globally.

Cultural Representation

Position Among the Stars provides a nuanced representation of Indonesian culture, showcasing its diverse customs, traditions, and religious practices. It gives a voice to marginalized communities, fostering cultural understanding and appreciation.


Position Among the Stars has a lasting impact on viewers. It challenges preconceived notions, creates empathy, and promotes a deeper understanding of the human experience, leaving a lasting impression on those who watch it.

Entertainment Value

While Position Among the Stars is a documentary that tackles serious topics, it remains highly entertaining and engaging throughout. Its compelling narrative, authentic characters, and breathtaking visuals make it a captivating watch.

Personal Preference

Personal preference plays a significant role in how viewers perceive Position Among the Stars. Some may resonate deeply with its themes and emotional depth, while others may find it less appealing. Nonetheless, it is a film that sparks conversations and encourages introspection.


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