All Star Superman 2011

All Star Superman 2011 is a compelling animated film that brings to life the iconic...

Dirty Dancing 1987

As one of the most iconic romantic films of the 1980s, Dirty Dancing captured the...

Birdman 2014

Birdman, released in 2014, is a critically acclaimed film directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu. This...

Inside Out 2015

Inside Out is a delightful animated film released in 2015 that takes viewers on a...

The Happening 2008

The Happening is a 2008 American supernatural thriller film directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Set...

The Graffiti Artist 2006

The Graffiti Artist is a thought-provoking independent film released in 2006. Directed by James Bolton,...

Apocalypse Now 1979

Apocalypse Now, released in 1979, is an iconic war film that showcases the dark, gritty...

The Butcher 1970

The Butcher 1970 is a timeless classic that will transport you back in time to...

Lady Bird 2017

Lady Bird is a remarkable coming-of-age film released in 2017 that has garnered widespread critical...