Memento 2000

Memento, released in 2000, is a mind-bending psychological thriller that has captivated audiences worldwide. Directed...

Flakes 2007

Flakes 2007 is an exceptional film that seamlessly blends comedy and drama to create a...

Garden State 2004

Garden State, released in 2004, is a delightful and thought-provoking film that has captivated audiences...

Angel’s Project 1993

Angel’s Project 1993 is a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to making a positive impact in communities...

The Confirmation 2016

The Confirmation is a heartwarming and authentic film released in 2016 that explores the complex...

Pitch Perfect 3 2017

Pitch Perfect 3, released in 2017, is a highly entertaining and feel-good musical comedy that...

The Florida Project 2017

The Florida Project is a captivating and thought-provoking film released in 2017. Directed by Sean...

Love Beats Rhymes 2017

Love Beats Rhymes is a captivating and soul-stirring film released in 2017. Directed by RZA...